Thursday, December 11, 2014

Week 5 Light Bench/Shoulders

Flat Bench - 135X20X2
230X10X2 speed bench
Standing OHP - 135X10X3
Skulls - 115X12, X10
DB Side Raise - 25X10X2
Tri Pressdown - 140X20X2

It's been fun screwing around with squats and deadlifts and just lift in whatever I want but it's time to get back to business. I have 6 weeks left on the Ed Coan bench program and I'm liking so I am going to  finish it, but I am going to go back to 5/3/1 of squats and deads for the last 6 weeks of the program. It will be two cycles back to back with no reload. This way I can gauge progress again and just be more organized. There should be a meet in Feb so I should get back to more solid training.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Week 5 Heavy Squats


Mediocre workout. Could have got three triples out of the 455 but just wasnt feeling it today.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Week 5 Heavy Bench


Flat bench - 310X5X2
CGBP - 275X5, 275X8 (called for 5 but felt light so maxed out)
Incline - 255X5, 255X6 (maxed out)

Heavy paused triples - 335X3X2
Lat Pulldown - 140X12X3

I haven't weighed myself for a while so got on the scale - 223.8lbs. Somehow lost about 6lbs. Not sure how, I have been eating like a fucking pig.
I do feel really strong right now - I am barely supplementing anything. A protein shake here and there if I need a snack on the go, and a multivitamin.I drink a lot of water. Otherwise just eating as much good meat and eggs as I can. Could probably eat more greens.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Week 4 Bonus back day

Lat Pulldown - 140X12X3
DB Shrugs - 85X12X3 Superset with
Upright Cable Row - 140X12X3
DB Curls - 35X12X3

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Week 4 Heavy Squats

405X8 Rep PR
530X1 all time PR
405X4 2 sec pause squats
405X4 2 sec pause squats

Squats were feeling good tonight so went for a couple of pr's. Did 405X8 which is a rep PR.
It's been a while since I went for a PR on the squat - Oct 4th to be exact. It's a 2 lb rep PR but a PR nonetheless. Did some 2 second pause squats in the hole with 405. Was spent after that.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Week 4 Day 1 Heavy Bench

I skipped my light squat day last week because  I was away. Just picked up and started Week 4 this week.

Flat Bench - 295X8X2
CGBP - 260X8X2
Incline - 235X8, 245X8

My incline finally caught up with the othe lifts. When I started the program I couldnt get the prescribed reps on the incline, but this week after doing 235X8, I did 245X8 which is the prescribed number. I'll say that is a good sign.
Added some heavy work -
315X5X3 with pauses.

BW Chins - X9, X8
DB Rows - 75X10X2