Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Week 3 Day 3 Light Bench Day

Flat bench - 135X15X2
230X10X2 - Speed bench

Standing OHP - 135X10X3
Skulls - 135X8, X10
DB Raise - 25X10X2
Tri Pressdown - 140X20X2

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Week 3 Day 2 Heavy Squats

Worked up to some heavy triples today;
315X8 with a 3 sec pause in the hole

Threw in some DB Shrugs - 85X15X3

Heavy weight felt good - was hoping to do five sets but was pressed for time.

Light Bench tomorrow

Monday, November 24, 2014

Week 3 Day 1 Heavy Bench/Back


Flat Bench - 285X8X2
CGBP - 250X2X2
Incline - 205X8, 215X10

Heavy triples - 335X3X3 touch and go
I added the heavy triples because with this program the first 4 weeks or so are fairly low weight and high rep and I miss the heavy work.

BW Chins - X10, X8, X8
BD Row - 75X10X3

Week 2 Day 4 Light Bench

Flat BB Bench - 135X20X2
230X10X2 Speed Bench

Standing OHP - 135X10X3
Skulls - 125X10X2
DB Lateral Raise - 25X10X2
Tri Pressdown (Cable Curl) - 140X20X2

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Week 2 Day 3 Deads

I haven't pulled since Oct 22 - so it's been a month since I did deadlifts. Didn't know what to expect, so it was more of a "test" than training.


560 is a 9 lb PR for me. More than I lifted at Westerns! It was clean too, I think. No hitch, locked out. I was pretty happy about that. I think i'm going to like this X2 a week squatting program and only deadliffting once every 2 weeks.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Week 2 Bonus Bench Day

Had some extra time and felt like training instead of resting so went and benched. Took a page out of the smolov jr template;

That's it. These first few weeks of this Ed Coan bench program are pretty light and I am missing the heavy weights. It couldn't hurt to do an extra heavy day.

Going to deadlift in the next two days. It's been a while so it should be interesting.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Monday, November 17, 2014

Week 2 Day 1 Heavy Bench/Back

Flat Bench -
CGBP - 235X10, X9
DB Incline - 100X7X2

BW neutral grip chins - X10, X8, X8
Lat Pulldown - 140X10X3

The first two sets of 230 were supposed to be 270 but I fucked up. Went ahead and did the 270X10X2 anyways and got the reps. Only got 9 on the last set of CGBP.
Heavy Squats tomorrow.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Week 1 Day 4 - Light Squats

315X10X3 explosive
225X10X2 close stance

Week 1 Day 3 - Light Bench

Flat Bench - 135X20X2
Skulls - 125X8, X10, X9
Tri pressdown (cable cross) - 140X15, X20

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Week 1 Day 2 - Heavy Squat Day

Didnt train in my usual gym today...went to another gym to get the wife started on training. Figured I may as well get a workout in while in there
Heavy Squat day, didnt get too heavy. Just took week and a half off after pulling my groin.


Squats felt good. I forgot my belt, definitely noticed it missing with the heavier sets, but overall felt good. Prob a day off tomorrow then light bench Thursday.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Week 1 day 1 - Heavy Bench Day

I've decided to start something different. The 5/3/1 program on it's own did really well for me. I have hit a plateau with that program, which I expected at some point. I may return to it again someday, but for now I am going to try something different.
I am following the Ed Coan bench program for bench pressing. It last 12 weeks. You basically plug in your 1RM and it gives you the weights for 12 weeks. Most forums I have read guys are claiming 20-30lbs on their bench after 12 weeks. I can live with that, I'd be happy with 20lbs, which would put me at 405. It actually has me at 423lbs at the end of 12 weeks! I'll believe that when I see it.
The program has 1 heavy day and a light day every week.
I am also going to squat 2X a week as well, and I will replace light squat day with deads every 2nd week, so I will be training 4 days a week.

Day 1- Heavy Bench/BB Day (lats, traps, bi's, abs, calves)
Day 2 - Heavy Squat
Day 3 - Light Bench
Day 4- Light squat/deadlifts

I've wanted to squat X2 a week for a while, I think it will really help my squat.

First day went like this;

Flat BB Bench - 270X10X2
CBBP - 235X10X2
Incline BB - 225X7, 205X7

High reps for the first 2 weeks, working up to 1 rep on week 12.

Was supposed to hit 10 reps with 225 on incline but no go. Apparently my incline bench sucks. Lowered it to 205 and still only hit 7 reps.
It doesn't look like much but it was tough. I definitely feel like I've been out of the gym for over a week.
Chins - bwX8, X7, X7
BB bent Row - 205X8X3
Hanging knee raise - bwX20X3
Seated DB calf raise - 45X35, 55X30X2

Calf work is gay but if I'm squatting X2 a week I don't want my quads to get huge then my calves to look like sticks.
Heavy Squats tomorrow!